Union University Women's Soccer Wall Mural

Union University Soccer Wall Murals

Large Format Wall Graphic

Union University Women's Soccer Wall Mural

Union University Women's Soccer Wall Mural

While working in Athletic Communications at Union University, I was approached to design a wall graphic for the Women's Soccer locker room that was to feature former standout players and accommodate a TV used for game film and entertainment. 

Final File Sent to Print

Final File Sent to Print

The final graphic measured 17 feet wide and 10 feet high with space being made for an existing cabinet to the right and the TV to be hung in the center.

Detail of Players

Detail of Players

One of the biggest challenges with this project was working with less than ideal images of past players, especially when they are blown up for a large scale print. 

Men's Soccer Locker Room Wall Mural

Men's Soccer Locker Room Wall Mural

The second large format wall graphic I designed was for the Union men's soccer locker room. This graphic is the first thing you see when entering the locker room and focuses on the team, rather than individuals.

Final File Submitted for Printing

Final File Submitted for Printing

The final file measured 84 inches wide by 10 feet tall to fit on the while facing the entrance to the locker room.