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Salt Lake Bees Theme Night Look and Feel

Apollo Night

Apollo Night

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, a custom NASA inspired Bees logo was created to help add to the night’s atmosphere.

801 Night

801 Night

The Bees August 1st game, was billed as 801 Night as a celebration of all things Utah. A custom pattern was created to accompany the logo that includes items and landmarks such as green jello and Delicate Arch.

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Golden Spike Night

Golden Spike Night

In celebration of the anniversary of the setting of the Golden Spike, the Bees celebrated with custom uniforms and graphics. The train illustration is based on the Jupiter train that was at the ceremony.

Fan Appreciation Night

Fan Appreciation Night

With the closing of the season, the Bees annual Fan Appreciation Night is a night full of fun and giveaways. I believed that a custom logo that could work across multiple seasons would help build that night’s brand going forward.